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Can Taiwan Defeat China? Is China the Next Russia? World Facing Third World War?

von Adeline Klara Palmerstone (Autor:in)
12 Seiten


Few months back none has ever thought that Ukraine can hold even for a brief time against Russia. Iraq dwindled before America in weeks, Libya collapsed likewise. But now after months of war, unmistakably Russia is on the verge of very crushing defeat. In this critical moment Chinese roaring against Russia after Nancy Pelosy's visit have remarkable become louder. The critical questions are not if China can defeat Taiwan but whether Taiwan can defeat China? Is China the Next Russia? And World Facing Third World War? Though China is not certainly Russia. The book examines these very critical questions with the contemporary geopolitics at the background and establishes the ways by which Taiwan can defeat China.




  • Adeline Klara Palmerstone (Autor:in)

Researcher, social scientist and writers of many books on various subjects that are widely available throughout the world.

Titel: Can Taiwan Defeat China? Is China the Next Russia? World Facing Third World War?