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von Soma Kumawat (Autor:in)
69 Seiten


This book is a comprehensive guidebook for anyone affected by achromatopsia, a rare visual disorder. This book offers practical advice on coping strategies, communication skills, nutrition, exercise, and more. By reading this book, you'll gain a deeper understanding of achromatopsia and the impact it has on daily life. Whether you have achromatopsia or know someone who does, this book will provide valuable information and inspiration for living a fulfilling life in full colour.




  • Soma Kumawat (Autor:in)

Soma Kumawat is a writer based in India who has a passion for storytelling and sharing diverse perspectives. Her passion for improving healthcare outcomes has driven her to explore a wide range of topics related to health diseases. Soma enjoys spending time with her family and travelling to new places to expand her perspective.

Titel: Achromatopsia