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Navigating a Journey of Love and Loss

von Soma Kumawat (Autor:in)
69 Seiten


"Anencephaly: Navigating a Journey of Love and Loss" is an insightful and compassionate guide that explores the complexities of this devastating condition. This book offers a wealth of information and support for parents, families, and healthcare professionals who are navigating the difficult journey of anencephaly. With chapters covering a range of topics, from diagnosis and grief to prevention and advocacy, this book provides a comprehensive look at anencephaly and its impact on families and communities. With its engaging style and heartfelt approach, "Anencephaly" is a must-read for anyone seeking comfort and guidance on this difficult journey.




  • Soma Kumawat (Autor:in)

Soma Kumawat is a writer based in India who has a passion for storytelling and sharing diverse perspectives. Her passion for improving healthcare outcomes has driven her to explore a wide range of topics related to health diseases. Soma enjoys spending time with her family and travelling to new places to expand her perspective.

Titel: Anencephaly