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Serbian Reading Book "Idemo dalje 4"

Reading Texts in Latin and Cyrillic Script with Vocabulary List, Level A2-B1 = Intermediate Low/Mid/High, 2. Edition

von Snezana Stefanovic (Autor:in)
40 Seiten


Delve into the world of Serbian language learning with the reader "Idemo dalje 4," tailored for language levels A2 – B1 (Intermediate Low / Mid / High). This engaging resource features two short stories presented as reading texts, skillfully composed in both Serbian alphabets – Latin and Cyrillic. Beyond merely honing vocabulary and syntax for speaking levels A2 – B1, learners also benefit from a valuable exercise in mastering the Cyrillic alphabet.

Linguistically, the texts and topics are meticulously adapted to suit the grammatical nuances of language levels A2 – B1, aligning with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). To enhance comprehension and serve as a helpful reference, the book opens with a table showcasing the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet. Moreover, a comprehensive vocabulary list in Serbian – English awaits at the book's conclusion, providing learners with additional support for reinforcing language skills. "Idemo dalje 4" not only facilitates language development but also fosters a nuanced understanding of Serbian at an intermediate proficiency level.

As a supplement to the "IDEMO DALJE" series, this reading book is a valuable part of the SERBIAN READER collection. As part of a comprehensive series, "IDEMO DALJE" includes textbooks, reading materials, audio books, interactive e-books, videos and other media resources that offer a holistic approach to learning Serbian as a foreign language. If you would like to learn more about this series of books and other publications for learning Serbian, please visit our homepage.




2019 (April)
skills vocabulary asbuka texts reader reading latin alphabet serbian cyrillic Wörterbuch Fremdsprache Schule Lernen Bildung


  • Snezana Stefanovic (Autor:in)

Snezana Stefanovic, author and language instructor

Titel: Serbian Reading Book "Idemo dalje 4"