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A Love Beyond Time

von Cathlyn de Burga (Autor:in)
31 Seiten


In "Beyond Time - An Inexplicable Love", the novel takes us into a captivating and romantic story about the inexplicable and the power of love. Catriona, a passionate painter, takes a walk in the old castle ruins and discovers a hidden world that she seems strangely familiar with. In the midst of the mystical surroundings, she meets the charming James, who looks at her with dark eyes and claims to have been waiting for her. Although they have only just met, Catriona and James feel an inexplicable attraction to each other. As they get to know each other better, they realize that they share a lot of similarities, as if they were magically connected. Trapped in time and space, Catriona and James decide to walk the path together and see where their extraordinary connection takes them. But as their love grows, they are confronted with questions and doubts that put their relationship to the test. A delightful mixture of romance and mystery, "Beyond Time - An Inexplicable Love" leads the reader through historical backdrops and illuminates the inexplicable of the human connection. Immerse yourself in this enchanting story about love, destiny and the magic that surrounds us all.




2023 (August)
historischer Liebesroman Novel Schottland Roman Kurzgeschichte Zeitreise Roman Historischer Liebesroman Liebesroman Historischer Roman Erzählungen Kurzgeschichten


  • Cathlyn de Burga (Autor:in)

Cathlyn de Burga - Autorin: Leidenschaftliche Autorin seit Jugendtagen. Poesie, Kurzgeschichten, Romane & Songtexte faszinieren sie. Als spirituelle Lebensberaterin, Medium & Heilerin teilt sie Weisheit in Ratgebern & einzigartigen Kartendecks. Ihre Werke entführen in fesselnde Abenteuer & berühren Herzen.

Titel: A Love Beyond Time