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Fortunes of Officials

von Renfu Xiao (Autor:in)
300 Seiten


Fortunes of Officials is a story about the whole process of StrongIdeal Gao to become the most powerful person-- the secretary from deputy secretary of municipal committee of Near Violet City with a population of seven million people and to resign from the post. Like other place, Near Violet was filled opportunities, restlessness and uneasiness in the transformation period. As the most powerful person in the city, StrongIdeal Gao had to face various enticements and schemes and sufferings, but he withstood various challenges, took the great opportunities of the Reform and Opening Door Policy, and made a great contribution to the economic development of the city under the tenet: As the most powerful person in the place, local people must benefit from his performance, thus he was well loved by the people of the city. The novel described the officials working at the city level using a documentary method about their political fortunes and personal trails from a positive angle with the ups and downs and lively scenes. The novel was a signature novel which laid foundation for the author to become the well-known author about officialdom in China.




2023 (Dezember)
Secretary Municipal Government officials


  • Renfu Xiao (Autor:in)

Renfu Xiao is a well-known and well-liked novelist about officials and biography of historical figures in China. He loves to write as a part-time writer, has published more than a dozen novels about officials, five biographies of historical figures in China, more than forty books of essays and collections for short novel, the total word counts are over ten millions. He is the best novelist about officials in China and his books have been well-received by Chinese readers for a long time.

Titel: Fortunes of Officials