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Increase your productivity

21 strategies to get things done faster!

von Thomas Hametner (Autor:in)
48 Seiten


Higher productivity, more success and at the same time less stress! Becoming more productive is not an art, it can be learned. This book provides simple steps that can be used directly in everyday professional and private life. This will bring you back control, reduce your stress and still have done more at the end of the day. Acting concentrated is the basis for productive work, but the sharpest focus will not help you if you use it incorrectly. I have made your path to higher productivity as easy as possible for you. The book covers 21 self-contained subject areas such as: Increase self-discipline Become more goal-oriented Making the impossible happen Increase your personal motivation Have to delegate Reward yourself Reduce stress Prevent burnout Set priorities Increase communication skills Have fun reading and applying!



Make a plan!

One factor that all successful people have in common is effective time management. Perhaps you'd rather call it structure, prepare for the task, or a plan. Whichever word or phrase works for you doesn't matter. As long as you take it seriously and put it into practice, you will create one of the basic principles of productivity.

It might be a good idea to think about and why this factor is so important to success. Perhaps you can start thinking about the opposite - ways that don't work. Even if you have a very small task to complete, if you do not manage the time properly, your task may end up being done too late or not at all. You may be working on a deadline or have a task that doesn't have a specific time horizon. If you don't have a plan to accomplish this, the results will not be satisfactory. While procrastination and wasted time hurt productivity, a lack of effective time management can be just as destructive.

First of all, you need to know exactly what to do. After that, you have to decide for yourself when to do this if you do not have a specific deadline and the most important and third step is to face the task.

You want to achieve your goals, whether they are short term or long term. You also want to be proud and satisfied with the results. If you are not satisfied with simply “going with the flow” and instead taking your structure seriously at every step, you are almost guaranteed success, pride and satisfaction.

Structure and time management can be easy for you if they are an integral part of your life. If you are not used to these concepts, now is the time to incorporate them into your everyday life and implement them. Whether you're starting your own business, working for someone else, or your work involves your family, you will get many benefits from having a good plan in place.

If you ever feel that there aren't enough hours in a day to do all you need to do, this is a very positive step for you. You will be pleasantly surprised at how much you can achieve. With the right structure, you might get more done each day than you normally get in a week. Not only will you be more productive, but you'll also achieve each goal a lot easier. You will soon appreciate this important factor in your success.

Reduce distractions!

There are few things that can reduce productivity as quickly and safely as distractions. If you can't concentrate or concentrate properly, you won't get things done. Even when you accomplish something, it can feel stressful and frustrating. Whether you are in work or school, it will help you reduce the distractions so you can accomplish more.

There are two key points to keep in mind if you want to reduce the distractions around you. The first point is what works for you and what works for someone else can be completely different. The second point is that if you haven't researched your habits, you may not be 100 percent sure which habits will be most effective for you. The good news is that it doesn't take much time or effort to think about how your habits affect your productivity and adjust them accordingly.

If you are like most people these days, multitasking has become a part of your everyday life and everyday vocabulary. There can be a number of things to do in a day and you can do them all at the same time. If you go overboard with multitasking, it can have two consequences. You couldn't do everything; or you could be doing the tasks superficially and not getting satisfactory results.

Same goes for distractions. Trying to do a job - and do it right and well - will not produce satisfactory results when there are distractions in the way. Working while listening to music, watching TV, or talking on the phone is not just limited to teens. Many adults do these things in their home offices and even in an office that is occupied by other people. They may help you focus - but they can just as easily break your focus and distract you from what you should be doing. In order to become more productive, you need to analyze your habits a little. You can turn off some or all of these distractions and see if you can better focus on the task at hand. You may find that you can do your job better, faster, and more effectively. On the flip side, you may find that one of these supposed distractions actually adds positively to your focus and focus.

While figuring out what works for you is easy when you work alone, it can be a little more complicated when you work with others. You may find that employees, who constantly use their phones, have their radios running near your work area, keep you from focusing on your job. If you politely ask colleagues to remove the distracting devices, this may be all you need to reduce the distractions so you can focus on your work.

What should you do first?

When you think about your school days, you may remember teachers who told you that the best way to approach homework and other projects was to do the toughest task first. They may also have advised you to tackle the homework topic that you disliked the most first before proceeding. This approach can greatly increase your productivity today.

As you prepare for a new day at work, try to put this approach into action. Instead of starting with a task that you enjoy or that you find easy, start with a task that you don't like or that you find quite difficult. At the end of the day, you might be pleasantly surprised at how much you've accomplished. You will also feel that the day has passed much quieter.

One reason for this is that you have more energy at the start of your work day. If you devote this energy to the most difficult or unpopular tasks, you will not feel so drained or frustrated while doing them. A second reason is that when you start doing tasks that you enjoy, you often look very negatively at those you don't like. Instead of enjoying the simpler tasks as you get them done, dread the ones in front of you. By doing the toughest tasks first, not only will you have more energy for the rest of the day, but you will also appreciate the other tasks more as you accomplish them.

This approach increases your productivity. If you don't view your work day as a long, tough battle, you will achieve more. If you put the tasks you don't like out of the way early in the day, you will get better results on all of your tasks. Not only will you get more done, but you'll be much happier with the outcome of every single task.

While it's only human nature to want to do what you want first, the more difficult things on the horizon can slow you down and use up your energy. If you want to be more productive and get the best results in everything you do, seek advice from your teachers and tackle the toughest tasks first. Your productivity will increase and you will end each day with a refreshing sense of accomplishment.

Practice of self-discipline!

Self-discipline is an essential factor for productivity and success. Without them, you become lazy, unmotivated and dependent on others. A lack of self-discipline also makes it difficult to deal with employees, supervisors or employees.

You need to know what needs to be done, when to do it - and do it. Good self-discipline involves having a basic schedule or framework for what needs to be achieved in a given period of time. You don't allow yourself to be distracted or to hesitate.

However, being too rigid with self-discipline does not increase productivity. It can even reduce it. If you do not allow yourself any breaks or mistakes throughout the working day, then the expectations you have of yourself are too strict. Instead of doing more or doing more in less time, it can leave you feeling frustrated with your tasks and work.

If you learned self-discipline early on, you probably won't have any trouble with it now. On the flip side, this is a good time to develop the habit when your school years and family life have been too rigid, or when little has been expected of you. You may have managed to slip through your early years without a good sense of self-discipline, but it can be a stumbling block to your career.

A great way to learn self-discipline is to acknowledge what you are responsible for. You can start by blaming yourself for getting the job done correctly and on time. Also, if this is a relatively new concept to you, you need to acknowledge that errors can occur and correct them without undue frustration.

Practicing self-discipline also means not letting you be dissuaded by time-consuming distractions and activities. While you may need and deserve a little break in your work day, it can't stop you from getting the job done. When you develop the habit of self-discipline, it will be easier to get things done. You will be done well and on time. This will increase your productivity and help you get closer to success.

Make the impossible happen!

If you've ever had a lot of different tasks to complete or tasks that were beyond your capabilities, you know what it is like to feel like it is impossible. If these types of tasks are your responsibility, there are some positive ways you can approach them. You will find that you can really do the impossible.

Sometimes you see tasks as impossible because you are overwhelmed by how much you have to do in a short amount of time. Even if each and every one of the tasks is simple, they can result in a mountain of chores that you cannot reasonably expect to be completed. This can happen when you take on more than you can handle, or when unexpected "surprises" arise without proper preparation.

A positive approach to starting an “impossible” task is to see for yourself what you can do. Whether you are trying to look good to your boss or outdo a coworker, or if you don't think about it as you take on each task, evaluating your skills in advance can help get rid of this problem. A positive approach to the latter situation is to learn how to prioritize. If an unexpected task or project occurs while you are busy with your other tasks, it is a good idea to decide which tasks need to be done immediately and which can wait until later. In many cases it is a good idea to request more time to get everything done.

Sometimes you may have a project that is really beyond your capabilities. In these cases, it is best to acknowledge your limitations. Depending on the circumstances, you can ask for help or state that you are unable to.


2021 (Februar)
Productivity Burnout Motivation Delegate Discipline Stress Success Medienwissenschaft Kommunikationswissenschaft Kommunikation Medien


  • Thomas Hametner (Autor:in)

Thomas Hametner studied at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Wels, the field of study “Material Science”. He completed additionally the master's degree in "Law and Economics for Technicians" at the JKU in Linz. During his master's degree, he immersed himself in the world of the light metals, aluminum and magnesium, at a non-university research institute. Currently he is employed as a casting expert and teaches part-time at an evening school.

Titel: Increase your productivity