%0 Book %A Aya Weiss %D 2023 %C München, Deutschland %I via tolino media %@ 9783757978679 %T Antarctica Cruise Travel Guide %U https://tolino.openpublishing.com/document/1418997 %X Embark on an extraordinary voyage with "Antarctica Cruise Travel Guide," a comprehensive guide to the ultimate cruise expedition. From the pristine landscapes of the Antarctic Peninsula to the remote wonders of South Georgia Island, this book unveils the top destinations, adventure activities, and vital information for an unforgettable journey. Dive into the history, embrace conservation efforts, and discover the nuances of exploring Earth's last frontier. Equip yourself with essential tips, uncover major ports, and set sail for an unparalleled adventure of a lifetime. %K travelling, guides, Peninsula, cruise, ship, tourism, Antarctica, travel, cruising, tour, Reiseführer, Südamerika %G Englisch