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  • Titel: No more "Ladies First"

    No more "Ladies First"

    How to identify and overcome unconscious bias in the business world
    von Dorothee Ebert (Autor:in) 2024
  • Titel: Nie mehr "Ladies First"

    Nie mehr "Ladies First"

    Erfolgreich unterbewusste Gedankenmuster erkennen und überwinden
    von Dorothee Ebert (Autor:in) 2023
  • Titel: Ashford & Cumberland - Sammelband

    Ashford & Cumberland - Sammelband

    von Trisha Knight (Autor:in) 2023
  • Titel: Serbian Reading Book "Vreme"

    Serbian Reading Book "Vreme"

    Short Stories in Latin and Cyrillic Script with Vocabulary List, Level C1 = Advanced High, 2. Edition
    von Snezana Stefanovic (Autor:in) 2024
  • Titel: The Date / Sastanak

    The Date / Sastanak

    Short Stories With Vocabulary Section for Learning Croatian, Level Perfection Plus C1 = Advanced High, 2. Edition
    von Ana Bilic (Autor:in) 2020
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